Southwest Region

In Cameroon, we have two main English-speaking regions that constitute southern Cameroon. The Southwest Region of Cameroon is one of the English-speaking regions with 6 divisions ( Fako, Koupé-Manengouba, Lebialem, Manyu, Meme, and Ndian) each managed by the SDO.

The Southwest Region or South-West Region has as capital city Buea and it is distinguished by a rich, permanently green cover of vegetation resulting from heavy rainfall and extensive agro-industrial activity.

The relics of buildings dating back to the colonial era, including the palace of the German governor, Von Puttkamer, were built at the beginning of the 20th century.
 Besides many primary and secondary schools in this region of the country, one can talk of the lone state university — The University of Buea born in 1993 following wide-ranging university reforms in Cameroon.
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